Get one step closer to singing with confidence!
Enter your details and we'll send you our membership fees and enrolment link:

We've had the privilege of working with many incredible celebrity students who have achieved powerful results under our coaching.

We're now thrilled to bring our transformative coaching method to you, no matter where you are in the world. 

And YES, this will work even if you're a beginner or the MOST SHY singer ever!


Unleash the full potential of your unique voice and learn to sing confidently in 5 weeks or less!

 So, are you ready to step into your most confident, empowered self through singing?

Singing holds a special place in your heart.

But maybe you never had a real chance to learn.

Now, you're at a point in your life where you're finally ready to do what fills YOU with joy!

In Singers Connect, you'll get...

The Knowledge

Our program is about more than just learning vocal techniques; it's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. You'll have access to comprehensive resources, including our exclusive Vocal Alignment System™ course, a VoiceFit Exercise Library for personalised vocal exercises, and monthly practice challenges. These tools will help you find and develop your authentic voice, leading to a more confident and empowered you.

Live Interaction

We don't just provide instructions; we guide you through the transformative process that our system can have on your voice. Our unique group learning sessions offer more than just practicing vocal skills with songs; they are also opportunities to practice building your confidence and supporting others in their journey to do the same.


Our community is a diverse and welcoming space. We're not here to mold your voice into conventional standards; we're here to help you uncover and strengthen YOUR unique voice. Our members come from all walks of life and varying stages in their journey, from total beginners to those who may have been out of practice. As you embark on this journey, you'll discover the belonging and support you need to realise your true potential and experience personal growth, confidence, and empowerment

You'll love belonging to our diverse community of singers!


In the world of online singing programs, you'll typically find two common approaches:

Do-It-Yourself Programs 

You buy a course and have to learn all by yourself, with little to no interactive feedback or personalised guidance.

Traditional Vocal Programs

You learn to make your voice conform to conventional singing styles, essentially teaching you to 'sound' a certain way.


We firmly believe that your voice is unique, and it should stay that way. 

We're not here to make you sound like someone else; we're here to help you embrace and enhance everything that makes YOUR voice special.

With our exclusive Vocal Alignment System™, you'll learn to celebrate and amplify your unique voice. 

This means you get to sing your favourite songs YOUR way and experience more fun, greater confidence, and the power to truly captivate your listeners.

So, if you're ready to embark on a singing journey that celebrates your authenticity and lets you shine as the one-of-a-kind, creative individual that you are, you're in the right place."

Have you ever found yourself...

 Constantly comparing your voice to others?

 Feeling self-conscious about the way you sound?

 Wishing you could sing exactly like an artist you admire?

I've been there, too 🙋🏻‍♀️. 

For years, I battled with the urge to compare my voice to other performers and allowed my perfectionism to hold me back. 

It got to a point where I gave up on singing for about four years.

It wasn't until much later, following a period of soul searching, personal development, and guidance from great teachers, that I realised my biggest mistake. 

I had been seeking my true voice outside of myself.

You see, I spent so much time trying to imitate others that I completely missed the opportunity to appreciate and nurture the unique qualities of my own voice.

This realisation led to the creation of my Vocal Alignment System™, a technique I exclusively teach within my Singers Connect Membership Program.

As a member of Singers Connect, you will embark on a journey to wholeheartedly embrace and love your unique voice. 

You'll gain powerful techniques to amplify the qualities that are distinctly yours, allowing you to express yourself in your own, extraordinary way.

As you embark on this incredible journey of embracing your unique voice, you'll discover that the self-discovery and newfound confidence you gain will naturally flow into other aspects of your life, enriching and empowering you every step of the way.

The Singers Connect Membership Program Is Right For You If You Are:




You're a complete beginner who loves to sing but has never had lessons before. Don't worry, we're here to guide you and make you feel at ease!

Perhaps you sang in a choir or during your school days, but gave it up because life got busy. It's time to rediscover the joy of singing!

 Life, studies, family and work may have kept you busy, but your love for singing is still there, waiting to be nurtured.

No matter where you are on your singing path, we're here to help you grow, gain confidence, and enjoy your creative journey.

As A Member, You'll Get:

The Vocal Alignment System™ Course 
& VoiceFit Exercise Library™

This is ALL the vocal technique tools and exercises you really need to know to start finding and developing your true voice so you can stop trying to chase  a "perfect voice" or trying to sound just like other singers. This course has been developed from my 20+ years of experience as a professional singer and 15+ years as a full-time vocal coach, and will take you from feeling like you can't control your voice, to embracing your voice and singing with freedom & confidence.
By the end of this course, you'll be amazed at what your voice can
really do and you'll have tangible results that even OTHER people will notice.

Monthly Practice Challenges & Skills-Building Workshops

Keep the momentum going and your singing progress skyrocketing with our guided Monthly Practice Challenges and Skills-Building Workshops.  Each month we'll focus on practicing a different skill and applying your technique to different hit songs. In just a few months, you'll already have an incredible repertoire of crowd-pleasing tunes that you'd feel confident performing at any given moment, no matter who is listening!

Singing Breakthrough Sessions

Learn exactly how to apply our Vocal Alignment System to different hit songs in our interactive, live coaching sessions. You'll witness first-hand how our system can transform any person's singing voice, and you'll even know how to replicate the process to achieve similar results in your own vocal practice sessions.

Weekly Coaching Emails

Every Monday, I'll send you an email with a quick summary of what we did the previous week and what you can look forward to in the coming week. I'll also give you practice guidelines in each email so you'll always have something fun, engaging and useful to practice. With these weekly coaching emails, you'll be able to stay on track in your practices even when life gets busy. 

Practice Feedback by Pro Vocal Coaches 
& Private Community

Wouldn't you love to have access to a team of professional vocal coaches who can tell you whether you're practicing correctly or not and can help you when you're feeling frustrated or stuck on your progress? 
And how about becoming instantly part of a diverse & supportive group of singers from around the world who are all there to build their singing confidence?
You get this and so much more inside our private community. 

Add Private Lessons With An Official Partner Coach

Supercharge your vocal progress by choosing the membership + lessons options. With this membership level, you'll get full access to everything inside Singers Connect for a full year, plus 8 X private lessons with one of our Official Partner Coaches.



Kickstart your singing  journey by building (or rebuilding) your foundation in vocal technique following our unique system. Great for those are just starting out and need some interactive help but aren't ready to commit to a longer journey just yet.

Lifetime Access to the Vocal Alignment System™ Course 
(including all future updates)

This course will give you step-by-step training on how to embrace your unique voice, enhance the best parts of your voice, and learn to use it authentically, confidently and expressively. Each module also includes practical singing practices that are fun, engaging and powerful.  

3-Month Membership to Singers Connect for Live Support

Your 3-Month Membership includes...

- 3 X live group coaching calls a month, so you can work directly with me and get personalised guidance

- Weekly coaching email from me, so you always know what to practice and work on every week

- Access to our skills-building vocal exercise library, so you can keep your voice strong and in top condition.

- Private community where you can post your practices for feedback from my team of professional Vocal Mentor Coaches, so you always know whether you're practicing the right way or not.

- All-access pass to my private library of vocal exercises, singing masterclasses and guest-expert interviews.

15% Members Discount for 1:1 Private Lessons with Krystal

During your membership, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get tailored feedback from Krystal and her Mentor Coaches. 

However, if you want additional private lessons, you can purchase session with Krystal at a members-only exclusive discount.

(Discount is only valid over during the membership)

Course + 3-Months Live Support: US$497


Immerse yourself in our world, let our mentor coaches really get to know you and help you experience breakthroughs in your singing development. Great for those who are ready to invest in their passion and want to finally find and embrace the fullness of their voice so that they can sound like their most confident selves!

Lifetime Access to the Vocal Alignment System™ Course 
(including all future updates)

(See Above)

12-Month Membership to Singers Connect for Live Support

Your 12-Month Membership includes...

- 3 X live group coaching calls a month, so you can work directly with me and get personalised guidance

- Weekly coaching email from me, so you always know what to practice and work on every week

- Access to our skills-building vocal exercise library, so you can keep your voice strong and in top condition.

- Private community where you can post your practices for feedback from my team of professional Vocal Mentor Coaches, so you always know whether you're practicing the right way or not.

30% Members Discount for 1:1 Private Lessons with Krystal

During your membership, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get tailored feedback from Krystal and her Mentor Coaches. 

However, if you want additional private lessons, you can purchase session with Krystal at a members-only exclusive discount.

(Discount is only valid over during the membership)

Course + 12-Months Live Support: US$997

3. Elevate Mentorship

Great for working or touring singers who need support on the go, or previously-trained singers who aren’t looking for more training, courses or programs. This is for you if you're looking for direct access to a coach who knows your voice, understands your goals and can give you tailored feedback, guidance, advice and quick vocal tune-ups when you need it most. 

Lifetime Access to the Vocal Alignment System™ Course 
(including all future updates)

(See Above)

12-Month Membership to Singers Connect for Live Support

(See Above)

12-Month Private Voxer Access to Krystal

How would you like to have me as your coach on call? 

When you join my Mentorship Experience, you get private Voxer access to me, which means you can...
  Privately send me your singing practices, recordings, live performances, etc...and I'll give you in-depth feedback and guidance.
  Schedule 15-minute private coaching calls with me as needed. You get access to my personal calendar so you can book a call that works for your schedule.
  Get my full and personal attention on your progress. It's like having me in your back pocket! Bring me on tour with you for ongoing vocal tune-ups, backstage for a quick pre-performance pep-talk or vocal warm up, in the recording studio for help on your vocals, or just reach out whenever you're in a funk and I'll give you my undivided support.
  Have a totally tailored training experience. Do you have bigger plans  & goals for your voice, like record original music, releasing your own covers, developing yourself as a recording artist, start getting gigs? If so, let me and my team help you. We'll leverage our connections and experiences to help you design the best pathway towards achieving your most wildest singing dreams.

The Mentorship Experience is by Application Only.
Contact us directly to schedule an application enquiry call.


Ready to join us?
Enter your details and we'll send you our membership fees and enrolment link:

Looking for traditional, private lessons?

The Singers Connect Membership is a combination of self-paced learning, group learning, and personalised coaching. It's designed to be a safe space where you can come as you are, and bring the art of singing into your daily life.

That being said, if you have a very specific goal to achieve, such as preparing for a live performance or concert tour, or you want to train to become a professional recording artist, or compete in high-profile singing competitions, audition for musical productions, etc., then more traditional 1:1 voice lessons with a private vocal coach may be more suitable for you.

If this is what you're looking for (and you do not want the ongoing membership experience), then 

PSST! Here are your Secret Limited-Time Bonuses!

Sign up before the deadline above and get these incredible bonuses

 12-month (instead of 6-months) access to our entire training library, all live call experiences and Weekly Singing Challenges. 
 Sign up with a friend for the price of ONE enrolment! Simply sign up and let us know the name and email address of the person you want to sign up with, and we'll give them full access to our program experience. You can choose to share your included 8 X 30-minute private lessons with your friend, or enjoy them for yourself. Just let us know!
 Your first 2 X 30-minute private lessons will be with Coach Krystal. The remaining will be with one of our Approved Partner Vocal Coaches (Krystal will match you up with one of our trusted Vocal Coaches after your first lesson with her). If you aren't happy with your first lesson (with either Coach Krystal or our Approved Partner Coach), just let us know and we'll refund you in FULL. 


The Confident Singer's Journey


Learn to Listen

Learn to listen to your own voice, as well as other singers' voices, in a far deeper, more appreciative way. Become aware of all the incredible sounds that your voice is able to create so that you can sing any song the way YOU want to.


Practice with Intention

Know what to focus on and how to set an intentional goal every time you practice so that you're always moving forward in your journey.


Internalise New Habits

When you're ready, hone and internalise new skills by singing in front of others regularly in a safe space where everyone is on the same journey as you are. The more you sing, the more feedback you'll get, the faster you'll improve and the more you'll trust your own voice.


Explore Your Creativity

Learning vocal technique isn't about having the "perfect" voice; it's about having UNLIMITED CHOICES so that you can express yourself freely and creatively. Not only will you have MORE notes available to you, but you'll be able to create different TYPES of sounds too. You'll be like a painter with an unlimited range of colours and tools at your disposal!

Still not sure if Singers Connect is right for you?

Click here to send us an email and request for a 15-minute discovery call with someone from our team. 

We're happy to personally answer any questions you may have and even give you a tour of our platform!